Sunday 10 January 2010

My 2010 lists

Here I am, listing out my 2010 lists, whereby I'm late listing it down
I have thinking and wondering what i want to achieve 
this year where I din't do it so well last year
so I wrote down my list in a piece of paper and here 
is my list that need to be achieve...

The lists...
  • Get myself a nice and good job
  • save up a sum of money
  • spend wisely n b a gud consumer
  • eat healthy and stay healthy
  • buy a new handphone
  • buy a new printer for my laptop
  • do my devotion everyday n read my bible
  • fulfill all my pledges
  • be a good person and no more hot tempered
  • go traveling, oversea especially
  • have a party for my birthday
  • be more helpful when I'm at home
  • pray every nite b4 sleep 
  • have fun and enjoy the year of 2010

Hopefully I can accomplish everything that I have listed it down..

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