Tuesday 12 January 2010

I done my 1st Task on my list...

Today it will b my most unforgettable moments that I got the job that 
I think is fun and interesting and the best part is I don't have to work on Saturday 
and Sunday even Public Holiday, that what I feeling bout this job haven really
experience it so better don't expect much on it. will c how it goes
Hopefully is the that CCHKL where i think I have good and bad experience at that place
I'll give my all and my best in this job and try to complete my second task

I even form up a club for save up money, so far I have only 2 members including me hopefully 
can get more members where we motivate each others to save up money and never give up
and try our best to achieve our target lo. Gambateh to all my members !!!
Oh, I forget to introduce the place where I'm going to work soon...cant wait haha
as sales coordinator, 1st time work at sales cant believe it.

Novotel Hotel, KL

So basically my job will be handling with travel agencies  and follow up with them and paper works

Sitting in front PC whole day

So to all my readers hope u guys can wish me all the best in my new job at this
brand new year. A new start after all those memories.
Gambateh, Elyse

Sunday 10 January 2010

My 2010 lists

Here I am, listing out my 2010 lists, whereby I'm late listing it down
I have thinking and wondering what i want to achieve 
this year where I din't do it so well last year
so I wrote down my list in a piece of paper and here 
is my list that need to be achieve...

The lists...
  • Get myself a nice and good job
  • save up a sum of money
  • spend wisely n b a gud consumer
  • eat healthy and stay healthy
  • buy a new handphone
  • buy a new printer for my laptop
  • do my devotion everyday n read my bible
  • fulfill all my pledges
  • be a good person and no more hot tempered
  • go traveling, oversea especially
  • have a party for my birthday
  • be more helpful when I'm at home
  • pray every nite b4 sleep 
  • have fun and enjoy the year of 2010

Hopefully I can accomplish everything that I have listed it down..

Friday 1 January 2010

1st Day of 2010

Last night like super awesome, i drank V.S.O.P and whole body turn red and slept at 2something am. Early morning woke up at 10am then get myself prepared to back rawang,then 
around 11something reached home, and not long after that my cousin and his family 
arrived then after half an hour my last uncle arrived with my big aunt. The kids have fun. 

my bro and the cousins 

Me and my cousins

My cousins *love them*

Then the adults play their mahjung game

   then back to the kids again

  Kids play time

The adults play time 

Makan time 

 Enjoying the nice moment we had

 Youth playing time


Non stop playing

I really had fun time with my families members. Have a great gathering. 
Should organize more of it. 

New Year Eve 2009

Last night was awesome, spending time with friends and love one. Had a great day last night,
watched movie with DANIEL @ GSC MV The Avatar 3D had a lot of fun time together for the last day of 2009. What a nice day to end the last day of 2009 by spending the time for gathering and have fun. Then at night gather with my old buddies and had great time with them but I got no picture to share cuz the pics is not with me haha...got to wait for my friend to upload at facebook. Anyway I really had a lot of fun last night. Thank God for everything Through out last year. 
Wishing all the bloggers and  readers Happy New Year!!!