Sunday 13 December 2009

The Feeling

It never happen before where before a trip i fall called sick la, but just running nose and sore throat...i hate sore throat so much till i can try whatever ways to make it go away..Tomorrow is the day that the LORD has made and I'll rejoice and be glad in it..Hopefully by the time I woke up 2molo I will b ok. 

It just left less than twelve hours to go and I half way of packing and setting my ass in front of my laptop and FACE-BOOKING is so pathetic. Bad gal, but I'm gonna miss F-B for few days, anyway I can go through it cuz is no big deal...

Facebook has play an important role in this modernness era where people tries to connect with other people around the world no matter thin, fat, tall, short, black or white that Facebook keep us all connected to different people and culture. I LOVE Facebook.

No matter young or old, big or small, they are so CLICK with Facebook, if we as human can do the same to a person that share HIS love around the world and washes our sins and carries our burden on HIS shoulder. Amazing Love.  


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