Monday 12 October 2009

Welcome to My World...

Hi, my name is Elyse Gan, 1st categories of my friends call me ah gan, is my schoolmates and the 2nd categories is my colleagues who called me Elyse Gan or E lis C Gan..then my family members will called my middle name Chooi Wah..hehe

Actually i have been writing blog since i started my account at Friendster then later on when i switch my account to Facebook, i have stopped blogging..then i found blogger through my friend when she also have a blog in blogger. In my blog, i like to share my stories and experiences in certain either discussion or opinion. Besides tat, i would like to write bout my life hope that i can impact reader and get some feedback from my readers and blogger.

Basically either I'll share my stories or I'll ask some opinion or discuss certain issues with u guys to get more ideas and brainstorming. I love telling ppl my story and sharing my thoughts to u guys, in this case my situation, my sis will said that i should have b a lecturer so tat i cant non stop lecturing..haha..sometimes i as wondering where did i get all the energy to talk, for me to repeat 2nd time after what i have said is also difficult lo..imagine a long speech long now..haha

I'm a very simple person, living simple but yet complicated life..haha why i said so is because i think my life is so different from other people is not because their are prettier, ugly, richer or poorer is because maybe the way i been brought up and the teaching of my religion. I still like the way i am..hehe...I'm thankful im born in good health and good environment plus good family. Every1 must thank God 4 that..right?

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